Saturday, July 10, 2010


Offering our lives in service to and for others is a noble charge. Not only is the gift a blessing to the recipient but to the giver also. The giver does so out of a desire to be of service to another. Giving also places us in a position to be BLESSED with a response from the CREATOR, although that is not why we give. Our giving should also be done selflessly.

There are various scriptural references that require us to give. I chose this one as it reflects the tone of this writing. "One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:24-25

Writing this entry was inspired by my cousin who informed me a few weeks ago of her desire to offer some of her time to a cause I was forced into participating in due to a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. It was already on my radar as a very dear friend of mine had already been diagnosed. I believe my advocacy would have evolved because of her to some degree, but about a year later I heard my own unwelcome news. 

I initially posted a congratulatory message to my cousin because I am proud and humbled of her desire to choose this area of service in part because of me. When I think about it, my heart is full. A very dear friend, has contributed donations in my name for quite a few years now. Another cousin, has donated in the past when solicited for the WALK FOR A CURE and I know she has my back whenever I need, and there are others. I am thankful to them also, more than they could ever understand. Last night I messaged my cousin for whom the tone of this writing began as an acknowledgment of how honored and proud I was. THANKS A LOT, for forcing me to amend my writing and making it longer. I love you too. I should have just posted it here and on Facebook without even seeing if she approved, but that wouldn't have been right.  So now my few paragraphs have turned into more than I planned. THANKS AGAIN COUSIN! I told you several times I hate typing, but it's not your fault I get long winded. LOL!

Now, getting back to being serious again, below is how my writing began from a place of pride and gratitude, as it will remain:

I offer my congratulations to my cousin on her appointment to serve on the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Business Advisory Council and the Government Relations Committee. The Advisory Council assists people living with MS to secure employment and the latter acts as a liaison for government affairs, legislation, and advocacy. She brings with her years of volunteerism, mentoring and passion in the area of service.  Her experiences will offer insightful input to address those areas of concern.

I was forced into advocacy for Multiple Sclerosis because of a diagnosis. People like my cousin give their time and other resources out of LOVE for something they've became passionate about. I have always been in awe of those who served as I volunteered for MS WALKS FOR THE CURE. Seeing thousands of people some of whom didn't have a loved one nor did they get the dreadful diagnosis themselves raise money and walk in inclement weather to be of service to others always warmed my heart.

After suffering with symptoms since I was 14,  I was was finally diagnosed in 1993, 22 years after my first symptoms, and a year after the birth of my second son. Having been burdened with various sporadic debilitating symptoms for so long, the diagnosis was a relief after being told for many years there was nothing wrong with me. Finally having a diagnosis brought a little sanity to my life but with many long term obstacles to endure and strive to overcome.

Giving is something we all should share in as some form of paying rent to live on THE CREATOR'S earth.  I've served in various capacities along my journey and will continue. I encourage everyone to find a passionate way to give of themselves. There really aren't many things more rewarding than THE GIFT OF GIVING! So today, I congratulate and thank my beautiful cousin and all the volunteers for choosing Multiple Sclerosis as the cause they advocate for and who give of their time, energy and resources to FIND A CURE for Multiple Sclerosis.

Over 400,000 Americans have received this unwelcome, devastating and life altering diagnosis.


Thursday, July 8, 2010


THE CREATOR has work for each of us to perform in this complicated life that has been gifted us. In the counting down of these 1440 minutes I have been gifted so far today, I know in part some of the work required of me. It is my obligation as payment for the space I've been allowed to rent on this earth to be lived as closely to what MY CREATOR has directed me to fulfill as humanly possible. And with that, I KNOW THE HARVEST WILL BE PLENTIFUL. HAVE A BLESSED DAY as WE EACH STRIVE TO LIVE OUR BEST LIVES WITH and ON PURPOSE that has been DIRECTED BY GOD IN US!