Convincing yourself - against the odds - that life will get better is a process not for the faint of heart especially when life presents one major event after the other to go through and overcome. As soon as you got through one problem and thought you got a break, here you go again. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it’s been for many of us. No matter what you thought you did right here comes yet another body blow. What has always gotten me through is being forced by circumstances to develop a resilient core that allows me to HOLD ONTO HOPE and then figure out despite what happens next to KEEP HOPE ALIVE.
It's not just a belief, or mantra it has become my sustenance for BLESSINGS GOD placed within my being. It is my default coping mechanism. We all have it, but it must be nurtured even when life seems to be going just fine. Having HOPE is the barometer l utilize knowing a better outcome is on the horizon. HOPE requires persistence and perseverance to get to your desired positive outcome. It's the grasping of the concept of HOPE that offers solace when the world around us is in chaos. As someone whose life has been lived HOLDING ONTO HOPE and KEEPING HOPE ALIVE, HOPE has never been a trivialized word for me to use. In all cases it has been the starting point to get to the finishing line, and once there having a grateful heart a problem is resolved after a long tough fight.
Sometimes the hardest thing in the world to do is to keep HOLDING ONTO HOPE. The reality is that for some it's all they've ever had, and REAL TALK is that it had to be enough. When it’s truly all one has had to grasp onto, when every door around seems to be closed you just have to HOLD ONTO HOPE and then learn the lesson on how to KEEP HOPE ALIVE. I've had more hope float moments than I can ever speak of and that’s REAL TALK, but I'm still here despite the long term anguish to keep on course.
HOLDING ONTO HOPE and KEEPING HOPE ALIVE are synonymous as far as I'm concerned. I can't have one without the other. HOLDING and KEEPING are interchangeable to me because when I have one and am satisfied, then the other is the prize when life gets challenging.
Sometimes we're wide open, downtrodden and feeling sorry for ourselves and so closed off the possibility for HOPE just can't be envisioned. Without HOPE despair enters the equation, and that is not an option. The easiest thing for any of us to do is to wallow in the negative experiences. If you thought it was bad already, I guarantee you it will get worse if you don't find a way to - HOLD ONTO HOPE AND KEEP HOPE ALIVE.
One has to spend time with oneself and move past ourselves in order to understand that simple truth. Life experiences oftentimes are what thrusts one into that stream of consciousness. I'm here to tell you that GOD'S promise to us and for us is real. HIS time is not our time. In the meantime, TRUTH SPEAKS – REAL TALK,