Thursday, February 11, 2010


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It is impossible for me to explain to anyone about what "THE POWER OF BELIEF" is or what it can do.  I am telling you that if we are committed to what we believe (and I'm only referencing to "POSITIVITY") regardless of any forces in us, around or trying to run through us dictates YOU WILL TRIUMPH. If you are strong with the resolve of a warrior(ess), that "POWER OF BELIEF" is your genie in the bottle.

My belief is so strong that the life Multiple Sclerosis and my limited walking and a wheelchair (for now) has handed me will not rule my life to the degree it may seek to destroy. Now, if I can say that about not only MS but more issues to overcome just - IMAGINE - WHAT THE POWER OF BELIEF CAN AND WILL DO FOR YOU!

Right now, you can begin to build up your belief system, the core that drives you when things are going well, must be empowered for battle also. FOR THE RECORD, I NEVER WILL SAY IT'S EASY --- but this I know --- whatever it is that may make an unpleasant and unwelcome introduction  into our world "THE POWER OF BELIEF" can, will and does change the dynamics - ALWAYS! BE BLESSED!

Sunday, February 7, 2010



First of all, I changed my blog colors to black and gold to honor New Orleans and the Saints. OK, I didn't get to change everything, but it's not really too bad, is it?

Let me inform you from the beginning, I am not a sports fanatic by any means. The thought to write today came as I listened to Wynton Marsalis play his horn - as only he does and thought about how New Orleans for the most part has been forgotten. Reggie Bush spoke so sweetly of the little girl with cancer he made a commercial with. I then thought about Haiti struggling to survive. Katrina and the earthquake so devastatingly horrible in their scope, and New Orleans and Haiti so interconnected by history.That's a link I am not fully knowledgeable about but know enough that the history is worthy to learn much more. 

Thinking about anything never compares to experiencing it especially a horrifying act one must live trough - and remember, and cannot escape because one has nowhere else to go mainly due to finances.

My excitement about New Orleans winning just hit me as I was working on a past due project and writing about another topic. This is my own special version of multi-tasking from the chair I sit on most of my day. My steps are very limited due to Multiple Sclerosis, but I too am a champion. I've been hearing about the super bowl for weeks now, knew I'd watch because it's a game of champions but no further thought.

I do enjoy watching sports when the stakes are high as in championship games. It is for this reason, I am gravitated to the special nature of champions in general. Just as I wrote the word champions, a band came on singing, BRING ME A HIGHER LOVE. Whenever I think of New Orleans, I think of my childhood friend whose Mother was born there. There were so many occasions I spent eating a New Year's feast of fine cuisine, gumbo and had tons of fun. She is my friend of at least 46 years. I just had to call her, but stayed on the phone longer than anticipated. That's what friends do, and as I recently wrote still plan to visit NOLA with her someday soon - even in a wheelchair.

It is now the 2nd quarter, and the Saints are down 7 points right now, but THEY CAN DO IT!. I'm rooting not only for them but the people of New Orleans who still need attention to be brought to their continued need in the process of renewal and rebuilding. So much more needs to be done down in New Orleans, I pray they win to restore interest in their plight. People are still hurting around the Gulf Coast region, just struggling to survive, and soon it will be five years since the hurricane.