So, IT'S ALWAYS OUR CHOICE. What voice will we allow to navigate the course of this day, even our lives.
These truths/words are lived/written by a survivor of Multiple Sclerosis, dx'd in '93, and living with unknown symptoms over 20 years pre dx. That is over 50 years of my life, yet I refuse to give this disease its victory over me. This and other life maladies are not allowed to steal what I've labored for despite the obstacles, some of which when looked at with a different lens were and are gifts.
This disease forced me into a wheelchair 15 years ago. Over 5 years ago, as I approached 60, I began to think about the things I did not do or needed to do before my journey here has ended. At least, I needed to try. One of the need to finish items was exploring how to become an ordained minister. Well, a few months after I was ordained, my son and his fiance asked me to officiate their wedding. Of course, I was honored to say yes. And, the icing on the cake was the wedding was in the Dominican
Republic. It was a magical moment.
If you're going through something today, decide how you'll evoke change and redirect the course. Let's us allow that voice within lead us to our victories. We just have to chose to do our work, and It's not easy, especially living with this MonSter, but I claim my victories.
TBC - (To Be Cobtinued)