Hoping everyone feels well and recognizes they how BLESSED they are. First of all, I AM SO BLESSED! I am grateful on this beautiful day even though I can't put one foot in front of the other to get up and walk and won't be going outside to enjoy the magnificence of this glorious day, and did not sleep last night, I AM TRULY BLESSED! I am so grateful that I am in minimal pain today - to the point that it is nearly nonexistent - on this day. Imagine being in physical pain almost every day for about 26 years, not even addressing mental anguish even longer. Today, I CAN THINK CLEARLY, and I KNOW I AM BLESSED! Today I am able to work freely on my vision and life's purpose even though I must operate from where I sit, I AM BLESSED!
GOD'S word say's all our needs will be supplied...BELIEVE IT! I made a promise to my son before he went back to school last month and it made me quite happy last night even though though the promise was not lived out....I'm working at it. I was reluctant to promise, it's something I rarely do with anyone else but unto myself only. I promised to play chess every day. Anyhow, I beat the game. Chess is the best life skill I learned 34 years ago. Until around 2000, I hadn't played for about 20 years, because I didn't have anyone to play. I taught my son to play when I read in the paper about a chess club in town. Long story short, the kid became a chess champion and because I didn't like losing to the student, avoided playing him - BIG MISTAKE - LOL -
Oh, did I say I AM BLESSED AND GRATEFUL! Believe in the BLESSED ANOINTINGS GOD HAS GIFTED YOU and MAKE THESE 86,400 seconds on this day your gift back to GOD with DELIBERATE GRATITUDE! BE BLESSED! Thank you Sukea for beautifying the world by taming my hair on Tuesday. #anothergreatfulmoment I know this was a long rant...HOPE SOMEONE FINDS A BLESSING SOMEWHERE IN IT. - LOL! HAVE A WONDERFULLY BLESSED DAY!