Dr. Oz is on now with Montel and others talking about people who live with chronic illness/pain, and do they have the right to end their lives. I'm not soliciting debate, but have been living with this dx of multiple sclerosis for 18 yrs and the symptoms for 40. I am still prayerful and hopeful that a cure is soon to come. Be encouraged, at times just living and striving to be a good person can be a difficult road to travel. I made it/making it and continue to evolve. This wheelchair that entered my life 5 years will not remain, and if so, I know the terms that I'm willing to endure.
My greatest job is not over, but our youngest son who was a baby in '93 when I was dx'd is now a sophomore at an Ivy League University. Knowing the circumstances that brought me to this day, I've come a long way by sheer will and against so many odds. I'm still viewed as somewhat sane, and I am proud of my fight. No matter how hard the road seems we're traveling we must remain determined. I'm home bound now and using a wheelchair, but know my life is getting better....SLOWLY YES....but I STILL BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF MY DREAMS. There is a magnificent life I know GOD has for me to live, and I will die pushing forward and fighting for it's manifestation.
My physical state tells me I'm limited more than I was when I had use of my legs, but the VISION and PURPOSE for my life is yet to manifest. So as I ask my "able bodied friends, What's holding you back? Go and snatch your destiny. It belongs to you or me if we just stretch out and begin to embrace it. Stretch out and BELIEVE.......The path is being paved and the reward....GREAT! That said, I'm on my way.