Getting to basics is essential to living our best lives. Knowing the most important factor in life is breathing, my question is do we breathe properly? From my study over the years and my personal lack of attention to the question, my answer is NO. Knowing something and not respecting the truth about it is not worth saying one knows it....especially an energy as important to life as THE BREATH.
It is not my intention at this time to go into a drawn out assessment of the importance of THE BREATH. We all know if we don't BREATHE, we die. What we don't necessarily know, appreciate or respect is there is quality to THE BREATH and as we give honor to that, we gain energy, expel toxins, cause our heart, lungs and cells to work more efficiently and so much more. As a person who suffers with a chronic illness for which there is no cure commitment to health is now more guarded knowing the weaknesses of my body. CCSVI/Multiple Sclerosis has been a drag in my life for 40 years. I was diagnosed 18 years ago, but the 20 years prior of some assessments were it's in my head, she's a hypochondriac or a malingerer. None of those were correct.....I wasn't even crazy....YAAAY...I'm sane but surely sick....THANK YOU!
Anyway, before I proceed into a rant I'm trying to avoid, my journey to respect THE BREATH began in earnest once again on March 14, 2011. Since then, I've been committed each day to set aside time to the art of THE BREATH. The trigger for me was being released from the hospital in January that was a near death experience and calling my former yoga teacher from a few years back upon my discharge. He was kind enough to send me his new DVD titled "CHAIRS AND BEYOND". Living long term through chronic illness, always having to stop and restart, even remaking and reengaging while trying to live normally causes one to become tired of having yet another thing TO DO. All that takes more time instead of just seeking the "normalcy" of living. Things we may have found pleasurable now seem to be yet another chore, even pursuing truths such as this topic.
Thanks to my instructor Martin for putting me on a course again to recommit to a better quality of life. (When he revamps his website, I will post the link.) A difficult existence this is, but I AM, WAS and ALWAYS WILL BE DETERMINED TO LIVE "MY BEST LIFE". My CHOICE is to live with HOPE, DEDICATION and COMMITMENT to the VISION, PASSION and PURPOSE that resides and rules from within.
Enjoy the following article, and if you have found this writing to be of interest and has value to you, please follow my blog here, friend me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter