Thursday, January 21, 2016


I just had to take a moment to say that I AM GRATEFUL that this today I got up DETERMINED that COMPLETION of something I needed to start or finish would be scratched off a long list of to do's. Sharing this today was on my heart because there is someone that has something they have been needing or wanting to do has been too and has been put off for some reason or another.

My reasons for delays and putting offs are mainly due to this disease. #MultipleSclerosis is a thief of many things physical and at times mental/emotional.  I am grateful that my put offs are seldom the latter. Those who are effected by this illness know all too well how #MS has stolen so many desires and intentions to do and complete their tasks. Today, at least, I will finish a couple. I encourage someone to do the same, especially if your obstacle to do is not as off putting as an illness for which there is no cure. Please include include in your daily prayers that a cure for MS is soon realized and revealed.

Have a blessed, productive and fulfilled day. If the sick can be that witness.....what then can anyone else push for?