Friday, March 3, 2017

Do not give MS, this demon we have come to know as multiple sclerosis or anything else the power to kill the gifts you've been blessed with or have developed to add value to you life. I am a jewelry designer who is still determined to give MS a fight to the end. One of the gifts I nurtured honed and developed was the ability to sew and design clothing. MS has taken my love for sewing and creating beauty from a piece of fabric. I am no longer able to use my legs That journey began for me when I was about 11 or 12 years old when the initial symptoms began.. I was diagnosed with MS 24 years ago, and have lived with it's effects since I was about thirteen. My ability to walk and be independent was taken by MS nearly 10 years ago. I will celebrate my 60th birthday later this year. I will always win against this disease because I am determined to protect and nurture

These are a sampling of the MS Collection I have posted on my website at

I am raising the funds needed for stem cell transplantation and a ramp for the front of my home until we can move to more suitable living accommodations.

#CureMS #MultipleSclerosis