Friday, October 9, 2009


Health care reform: Saving American lives

Oct. 7: In a Special Comment Hour, Countdown's Keith Olbermann explains how the American health care system is broken and why it's so important that the government steps in to fix it. Watch the full hour here.

The health care issue is one of the most important we are faced with today in addition to astronomical unemployment. Most people would not have insurance if it was not through their place of employment, and even with that many are under insured.

Because this special moment in time has come, we must become vocal and passionate and make our voices heard before they finish destroying what people have worked for all their lives.

PLEASE - don't take this lightly - we can no longer afford to be complacent, if not for ourselves - OUR CHILDRENS' FUTURE IS AT STAKE!

If you don't have the time watch/listen to the entire program now PLEASE go back to it later. Some things, if nothing proactive is done will just get worse, this is one of them! Share it with others. Call your Congressman and Senators and tell them to make their decision based on protecting the best interest of the people and not the continued protection of insurers financial gain at the expense of everyone else.

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