Friday, December 11, 2009


For any sorry, lazy butt jerk who doesn't know, this is the national symbol for the handicapped/disabled. It is also a "WARNING SIGN" to pay attention to just as a stop or yield sign, or an amber traffic light. I've seen  signs other places in the world that may use a similar symbol with different colors, so I'd venture to say it denotes the same logical message wherever it is posted. This is dedicated to all the inconsiderate "CERTIFIED DUMMIES" who illegally park in spaces designated with this symbol.  The other sign is similar to the one in front of my home, at the mall, in parking lots, etc. Don't act like you don't know what it means - OH, EXCUSE ME - maybe you don't since you continue to commit the same offense so often.

O.K., it's happened again, some creep parked in  my handicapped space this morning. Today was alternate side of the street parking for cleaning. The opposite side of the street was cleared for the sweeper, and there were a few cars parked  there since the sweeper had already come through. This is an issue that has been going on for the last 14 years or so.  These type of incidentss have happened probably about 150 times, although I know I'm being rather conservative and it's probably double that. Since I was granted the "privilege",  "luxury"',  and "honor" to be  stricken with a disabling condition that merits use of handicapped parking neighbors were even angry. Don't we all just love the additional challenges of struggling and juggling with life's major unexpected disruptions and having to endure others ignorance?  I've heard all types of idiotic reasons for this discourteous behavior such as, I didn't know it was a handicapped space, no one was parked there, I just ran into a friends house for a minute. That minute on occasion resulted into several hours. A few times, cars were parked parked there all night and once for a few days.

One of the major issues I have with all theses stories is there are two metal poles protruding out of the ground - ALERT - METAL DOESN'T GROW OUT OF CONCRETE - DUMMY! You say you didn't know, well I beg to differ. Being a licensed driver does not only mean being attentive while your vehicle is in motion but includes the act of being aware of where you park and how you park. Some have parked a third of their vehicle encroaching into my space leaving me unable to park at all when that vehicle intruded within the space between either pole. I've always despised inconsiderate people on any level anyway, whether it effects me or someone else.

I would gladly transfer my suffering with Multiple Sclerosis to those lazy bums who chose to make up and play by their own rules as it suits them.. Try spending a day - oh excuse me, you probably couldn't handle it  - in constant pain, walking and legs dragging, using a wheelchair, a cane, or a walker to function inside one's home and out. ALRIGHT ALREADY, let me be more compassionate with your sorry behind and let you trade your health for my "privilege" and "honor" to park in the coveted prize zone -THE HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE for a few minutes or hours. I WISH THAT WERE POSSIBLE!

Imagine yourself coming home from work at about 3:30 AM, for many years turning the corner and seething because someone has parked in your space. That leads to having more challenges even when the weather is good. Now it's raining, sleeting, or snowing and you  have to park down the block, around the corner or two blocks away. You're concerned about walking the streets, getting mugged - (that's no fun - I was mugged twice prior to my diagnosis - those are stories for another day). Try stepping on a little pebble/rock and shock waves shooting up you legs, uneven pavement, cracks and here's another safety issue - you've fallen and you can't get up. Yes we all enjoy the grandeur of living our life of challenges fighting/struggling  just to take care of all the "normal" aspects of life - now here you are imposing your comfort at our expense. We all have bad days, but short of a catastrophe, I really don't care that you've had one when your actions effect me.

Honestly speaking, I derive pleasure when I know the police have slapped a $250.00 ticket on a persons car. The police don't always get here in time for me to be gratified due to ones inconsiderate deed against me. I have challenged a prominent attorney where I live, a few police officers, and the other run of the mill lot of the "lazy". I've pulled up on them rolling the window down, pointing upward to the sign and chastising them. They were  polite most of the time, but my response was always - you shouldn't be parked here at all. A few years ago, I was overjoyed when the fine was increased. Personally, I'd like to see it raised again - $500.00 right about now seems to be a reasonable deterrent - you know inflation and municipalities strapped for cash. may lessen my tax burden if the police were able to come out each time someone commits this offense. This is easy money for them. It seems like a lucrative source of revenue to me. What do you think?

When I was healthy, I never parked or even idled my vehicle in a handicapped space. Someone who is pysically challenged shouldn't have to wait until you finish your business because it is conveient for you to park there. People with health issues have to endure so much just to get out of the house, and here you are imposing upon us. I may revisit this again, but for now, if you're one of the offenders mentioned, if you can see yourself here - I'm directing my angst toward you. PLEASE, IN THE FUTURE, DO NOT PARK IN THE DESIGNATED HANDIAPPED ZONE. YOU HAVE MORE OPTIONS THAN WE DO! Have a great day, and try being considerate of others who only have the few alotted spaces for our  use.

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