Sunday, January 24, 2010


Sorry the image didn't load, but please click on - the message is worth watching and if nothing else, you will laugh out loud (LOL) since it is funny.

This man, Larry Platt is my buddy of the week, maybe longer. He said something to the world with over 1.6 million YouTube hits and now with so many others mimmicking him on video. I have challenged young men and even young women to have respect not just for themselves but others to pull up their pants. I surely don't like seeing not only their underwear, but the shape and contours of their funky looking hind parts while in the street. Back to Mr. Platt, I hope he finds a way to benefit from his viral firestorm - others will be making money from it, why shouldn't he.  He already has creative license to it, I just want that if anyone benefits financially from it, it will be him. Young people may not even know that's a jailhouse culture they're living out  on the streets along with the untied shoes. Why brand your life with such a negative comparison. My Mother would have to tried killing me the first time she saw it - if I would have been so stupid to think it was okay.

FOR THE RECORD, THIS IS NOT JUST AN URBAN ISSUE. CHECK OUT YOUNG FOLK AROUND THE WORLD! Thank you Mr. Platt for your contribution in opening the conversation in a big way and making the world I hope a better place.

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