Sunday, May 16, 2010


DO YOU KNOW GOD HAS YOU? I realized this in my youth, although there were many times I thought MY FATHER, MY GOD, MY CREATOR, MY SOURCE really didn't care what happened to me. (That's a long protracted story.) Trials test us to the core, while continued trials cause one to wonder why. Regardless, I'm still here, with a POWER WITHIN that is indescribable. Knowing that even though I am only able to walk a few steps on my own RIGHT NOW, "GOD IS ORDERING MY STEPS TO MY PLACE RESERVED JUST FOR ME." The beautiful  thing about this statement is it applies to all of us.

Although it appears one has been stripped down and constantly striving to overcome insurmountable odds, while remaining faithful, life can be full of  many relentless tests. The continued pursuit of that which GOD HAS GIFTED anyone, will not be denied. I CHOOSE TO REMAIN IN A PROGRESSIVE MODE, USE MY GIFTS and BE CONFIDENT OF THE THE RESULTS TO COME. It is quite easy for anyone to espouse positive verbage when things are going well. I know in the midst of this struggle with a disease for which thre is no cure at this time ~ MY GOD KEEPS REMINDING ME - I'VE GOT YOU! Again, "DO YOU KNOW GOD HAS YOU?

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