Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Just last night, about 9:00 PM, another idiot took liberty and parked in my reserved handicapped space. His/her vehicle is still there. It is now 10:15 AM. I was ecstatic when the police came quickly enough before this inconsiderate fool was able to move the car before being slapped with a hefty ticket of $250.00. It should be more.  Since the car is still there I am anxiously awaiting the tow truck to come and remove it and make it a complete reach into this persons pocket. Towing would be a first through all the previous complaints we've made. It would be such a deterrent for this bozo to consider before ever parking in a handicapped space anywhere again. I'm being nice, using bozo, as there are a few expletives I'd rather use.  I take a hard line position.on this subject because for the past 15 years this has been a thorn in my side.

 I love my Facebook friends who developed this page, not just to expose celebrities, but the inconsiderate in general.


A few days ago, I posted a reference to violators of handicapped parking compliments of Facebook. These particular offenders happened to be celebrities - these two healthy, lazy, privileged people were  Sandra Bullock and Kristen Dunst. Your red carpet stroll does not give you an above the law card to do as you please. Frankly, you're not that important, nor is anyone else from my view anyway. As I have written in the past, I have taken the police and the "prominent" to task for violating /infringing on my right to usage of a handicapped space. Here's the link to my previous rant on the subject. http://truthspeaks-icypearl.blogspot.com/2009/12/misuse-of-handicapped-parking.html -


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