Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The USDA Admits Link to Antibiotic Use in Farm Animals

DUH, another admission of something I thought makes "common sense", especially when doctors are wary of prescribing antibiotics too frequently to their patients. DUH, on my part, "COMMON SENSE, JUST ISN'T THAT COMMON." Unfortunately, we don't know what we're eating anyway, whether it be animal or vegetable, unless of course we're fortunate enough to farm it ourselves or know of a reputable organic farmer. This is another instance, among others, my Journey to Better Health will be implemented more fully in the months to come. As I fight for living my life without the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and with the intention to eradicate it from my life, greatly by the quality of what I consume.....All things in time with a determined purpose......

An article from the Huffington Post states, "At a hearing of a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Wednesday, July 14, 2010, a representative of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) finally caught up with the rest of the world -- and his peers at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -- and admitted that the use of antibiotics in farm animal feed is contributing to the growing problem of deadly antibiotic resistance in America." more......

It's great to see what you know and others refuse to acknowledge who know better finally admit the TRUTH.

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