Wednesday, October 16, 2013



Today is an important day in NJ......We need to fill the senate seat left vacant by the passing of Senator Lautenberg (D) with someone we at least think will fight for change........AND REPRESENT US IN and FOR OUR BEST INTERESTS!


We can't complain if we don't vote!...... The VERY least I can do for the sacrifices made by those who came before me who fought and died so I CAN is my rightful obligation!


My Mother, like so many others did not have the right to vote for periods of her and and even my lifetime. IT WAS ALL MANIFESTED THROUGH ACTION and STRUGGLES, this continued quest to promote equality through the vote.Yes, things have changed in the last over 50 plus years since I was born, but much remains the same. In HONOR of her memory and so many others,

I VOTE.   

The struggles that where endured and made for me to even write this are the reasons I vote. There are still many things going haywire in government as we can witness with this recent shutdown.

I know  voted last week and HAVE DONE SO IN MY BEST INTEREST!  When WE, THE PEOPLE vote, they have the right to voice their discontent in a more productive way through the elected even when we did not choose to vote.  When the elected don't work in our best interest  -  we should work to not put them back in office..

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