Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well, it's about that time again, a time for evaluating and renewing, although these actions should be considered throughout our year and at times on a daily basis - BUT -,


STAYING FOCUSED ON THE GAME PLAN is THE ONLY OPTION - IT IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! When we allow all the twists and turns, ups and downs, the pain and suffering to rule and ruin the GAME PLAN it is so much harder to get back YOUR FOCUS!

STAYING FOCUSED - OR TAKING BACK - aspects of it, that what makes you tick and restarts your engine propelling you to that place where you can MAINTAIN YOUR FOCUS will always serve you well. When one has lived and breathed their GAME PLAN for so long - NOTHING - will diminish the picture - at least not for long - unless YOU ALLOW IT.

It's a wonderful feeling to get back in the game and on your game! 2010 will be a year of success for those who stay on, in and consistent with their plan! If you know what yours is, STAY FOCUSED and don't allow the static to blur YOUR FOCUS..

Would you join me with YOUR COMMITMENT TO - STAYING FOCUSED ON YOUR GAME PLAN and make 2010 better than the last? I hope you're ready, I certainly am! There's so much to do but paramount to it all is STAYING FOCUSED!


HAPPY 2010!
Being able to envision possibility in the midst of a perceived impossibility and seeing the fruit of it's manifestation...........PRICELESS! © Icerlene

Friday, December 18, 2009


On Thursday, December 17, 2009, Mr. Olbermann on MSNBC has once again offered a clear and concise commentary about the derailing of the health care reform issue. As in an earlier posting, I referenced to an entire program where in words I finally understood, an explanation that no one, not one politician explained with such clarity. His words were precise and heartfelt to the point of me tearing at times.

This morning, I heard the stock reports where these insurance companies, made record profits the day after it appeared the health care reform bill was falling apart. These life and death issues are being played out by those we elected to serve and preserve our interests. This issue will take more time and expertise to tackle than I can grasp or offer. My understanding is limited, but more informed than many. As one of the millions of sick constituents who will be more greatly effected by the continued misdeeds of this business as usual piracy by the insurance monopolies - I AM ANGRY. Keith Olbermanns' words offer more potency and passion than I am able to.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Depending upon the perspective we choose to allow our thoughts to manifest towards, this :( can be transformed into this :)  - I know someone can relate to it! For those who can't, choose it once, choose it twice, keep choosing this :) as opposed to this :(  -  I know it will make a difference! BE BLESSED! ©Icerlene

Friday, December 11, 2009


For any sorry, lazy butt jerk who doesn't know, this is the national symbol for the handicapped/disabled. It is also a "WARNING SIGN" to pay attention to just as a stop or yield sign, or an amber traffic light. I've seen  signs other places in the world that may use a similar symbol with different colors, so I'd venture to say it denotes the same logical message wherever it is posted. This is dedicated to all the inconsiderate "CERTIFIED DUMMIES" who illegally park in spaces designated with this symbol.  The other sign is similar to the one in front of my home, at the mall, in parking lots, etc. Don't act like you don't know what it means - OH, EXCUSE ME - maybe you don't since you continue to commit the same offense so often.

O.K., it's happened again, some creep parked in  my handicapped space this morning. Today was alternate side of the street parking for cleaning. The opposite side of the street was cleared for the sweeper, and there were a few cars parked  there since the sweeper had already come through. This is an issue that has been going on for the last 14 years or so.  These type of incidentss have happened probably about 150 times, although I know I'm being rather conservative and it's probably double that. Since I was granted the "privilege",  "luxury"',  and "honor" to be  stricken with a disabling condition that merits use of handicapped parking neighbors were even angry. Don't we all just love the additional challenges of struggling and juggling with life's major unexpected disruptions and having to endure others ignorance?  I've heard all types of idiotic reasons for this discourteous behavior such as, I didn't know it was a handicapped space, no one was parked there, I just ran into a friends house for a minute. That minute on occasion resulted into several hours. A few times, cars were parked parked there all night and once for a few days.

One of the major issues I have with all theses stories is there are two metal poles protruding out of the ground - ALERT - METAL DOESN'T GROW OUT OF CONCRETE - DUMMY! You say you didn't know, well I beg to differ. Being a licensed driver does not only mean being attentive while your vehicle is in motion but includes the act of being aware of where you park and how you park. Some have parked a third of their vehicle encroaching into my space leaving me unable to park at all when that vehicle intruded within the space between either pole. I've always despised inconsiderate people on any level anyway, whether it effects me or someone else.

I would gladly transfer my suffering with Multiple Sclerosis to those lazy bums who chose to make up and play by their own rules as it suits them.. Try spending a day - oh excuse me, you probably couldn't handle it  - in constant pain, walking and legs dragging, using a wheelchair, a cane, or a walker to function inside one's home and out. ALRIGHT ALREADY, let me be more compassionate with your sorry behind and let you trade your health for my "privilege" and "honor" to park in the coveted prize zone -THE HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE for a few minutes or hours. I WISH THAT WERE POSSIBLE!

Imagine yourself coming home from work at about 3:30 AM, for many years turning the corner and seething because someone has parked in your space. That leads to having more challenges even when the weather is good. Now it's raining, sleeting, or snowing and you  have to park down the block, around the corner or two blocks away. You're concerned about walking the streets, getting mugged - (that's no fun - I was mugged twice prior to my diagnosis - those are stories for another day). Try stepping on a little pebble/rock and shock waves shooting up you legs, uneven pavement, cracks and here's another safety issue - you've fallen and you can't get up. Yes we all enjoy the grandeur of living our life of challenges fighting/struggling  just to take care of all the "normal" aspects of life - now here you are imposing your comfort at our expense. We all have bad days, but short of a catastrophe, I really don't care that you've had one when your actions effect me.

Honestly speaking, I derive pleasure when I know the police have slapped a $250.00 ticket on a persons car. The police don't always get here in time for me to be gratified due to ones inconsiderate deed against me. I have challenged a prominent attorney where I live, a few police officers, and the other run of the mill lot of the "lazy". I've pulled up on them rolling the window down, pointing upward to the sign and chastising them. They were  polite most of the time, but my response was always - you shouldn't be parked here at all. A few years ago, I was overjoyed when the fine was increased. Personally, I'd like to see it raised again - $500.00 right about now seems to be a reasonable deterrent - you know inflation and municipalities strapped for cash. may lessen my tax burden if the police were able to come out each time someone commits this offense. This is easy money for them. It seems like a lucrative source of revenue to me. What do you think?

When I was healthy, I never parked or even idled my vehicle in a handicapped space. Someone who is pysically challenged shouldn't have to wait until you finish your business because it is conveient for you to park there. People with health issues have to endure so much just to get out of the house, and here you are imposing upon us. I may revisit this again, but for now, if you're one of the offenders mentioned, if you can see yourself here - I'm directing my angst toward you. PLEASE, IN THE FUTURE, DO NOT PARK IN THE DESIGNATED HANDIAPPED ZONE. YOU HAVE MORE OPTIONS THAN WE DO! Have a great day, and try being considerate of others who only have the few alotted spaces for our  use.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Although stem cell therapy is not approved in the US, if I had he money, I would have left for my treatment already. It is my understanding no fetuses were compromised for this medical process.

The following is taken from the website - Click on the link for additional info. Hope it helps someone!

A medical procedure whereby Human Fetal Stem Cells are transplanted into a Multiple Sclerosis patient. These cellular building blocks are usually administered intravenously and subcutaneously (under the skin). It is a painless procedure, which takes place in approximately one hour, and has no negative side effects.

The Fetal Stem Cell searches out, detects and then attempts to repair any damage or deficiency discovered in the Multiple Sclerosis patient , as well as releases growth factors, which stimulate the body's own repair mechanisms.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Recently, I wrote about health care reform. It is one of the hot button political issues that we all can relate to. Many people we know have lost jobs and in turn lost their insurance. While others who are employed are under insured and a great majority don't have access because it is not employer provided and an unaffordable necessity. The health care issue has never been so close to being changed since reform became an issue nearly 50 years ago.

Today, I became aware of someone I care about dying from brain cancer on Friday.  She was only 46 and was diagnosed in July. We may be healthy today, God only knows what tomorrow may bring with this toxic environment we live in. (That's a longer story for another day.) As a chronically ill person, this issue is one I am passionate about. Although I have insurance, there were periods when I didn't have coverage in the past. I understand needing and not having.

Please take a few minutes and fill out the online petition of support and let the Washingtonian wheelers and dealers know that you care too.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


It is a BLESSING to know when your SEASONS of LIFE have come - ESPECIALLY THE GOOD ONES. This is a wonderfully profound season for me as GOD has given me CLARITY to move forward with a more determined spirit once again.  When we KNOW GOD, we are in tune with the direction granted as the pathways for OUR  SEASONS unfold. There may still be obstacles to weave through, but know this, when YOUR SEASON has arrived GOD informs you with CLARITY! 

Ecclesiastes 1-22 encompasses all the trials of life and CONFIRMS THE BLESSINGS when we steady the course as directed. It is important to read all the verses to be fully impacted by the depth of it's meaning.

 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth? 10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
12 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life. 13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God. 14 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. 15 That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.
16 And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there. 17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work. 18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. 19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity. 20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. 21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? 22 Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his own works; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?

This blessing was inspired upon my heart too share with whomever reads and understands THE TRUTH OF GOD'S BLESSINGS TO ALL!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Multiple Sclrosis Clinical Trials

For anyone who is interested in participating in clinical trials for Multiple Sclerosis, you can research some of the latest and ongoing ones at

Sunday, November 22, 2009


LDN -Low Dose Naltrexone is a drug that has become a very contentious issue for patients diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis who are desperate and come up against a brick wall with their neurologist. Many doctors are reluctant upgrade their medical expertise by at least doing the research on LDN as an alternative to the massively expensive FDA approved drugs. The reality is that there is no financial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to spend money on clinical trials to determine LDN's efficacy.  It is a drug which the patent has run out on therefore removing the incentive of profit  for the drug companies.  Normally the life of a patent is 20 years, and then it becomes a product that is fair play in the open market that can be produced at very low costs. Hence, along comes the "generic" drug, a drastically cheaper version of  brand name pharmaceuticals that were cost prohibitive for many to pay out of pocket.

This authors personal experience led me to sever my relationship with my neurologist of 12  years, who I was thoroughly satisfied with until I brought Low Dose Naltrexone to her attention. She had never of it. I furnished her with all the information she would need to make a decision or investigate further and give guidance on whether she thought it may or may not help me. Having given her more than ample time to review the information based on her stated time frame I was forced to make a decision. She told me to give her a few weeks - about two. I afforded her six weeks while I did  further research and while desperately seeking to find a doctor in New Jersey who supported the use of  LDN. Four weeks went by, I kept praying while looking for a neurologist.

I always encourage anyone who I speak with who is dissatisfied  with the level of care they're receiving or lack thereof they have the power to seek and seize that which is so desperately needed.

The BIBLE states "SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND". I sought, I found, and now after almost three years with my wonderful newly found doctor I am overjoyed. He is a well versed progressive doctor who does not subscribe to business as usual. He is true to the Hippocratic Oath he took upon stepping into his chosen profession. When you've come to that fork in the road where a decision must be made, you feel it a matter of life and possibly death, but there is an opportunity for beautiful change and triumph to envelop your life. You see simple BIBLICAL truths that are guides to place in our mind and heart, and then to live a life of purpose, hope an sharing.

This is the official  website that has been spearheading the commendable efforts to promote LOW DOSE NALTREXONE as a viable option not only for Multiple Sclerosis but Cancer, Parkinsons, Crohns and so many other diseases. The other link is a doctor who has used LDN with promising results for his patients. It is so unfortunate that people with chronic life altering illnesses have viable alternatives that are cheap and safe but not promoted by the health care industry. Maybe now with the discussions of health reform, costs and availability of easier access to information, the veils of deceit are rapidly leading to an order not controlled by wealth and greed but empowered by "WE THE PEOPLE."  BE WELL AND GOD BLESS!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This posting is dedicated to and in memory of my late sister-in-law whose birthday is today November 17, and was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was about 40 years old.

This morning I was outraged when I heard the news cycles promoting this propaganda that women should not be tested for mammograms until fifty. They just keep chipping away at the important, core quality of life measures we need access to. These new guidelines come at a disturbing and suspicious time with all the chaos going on with the health care reform debate. Is this a trade off for the politicians not to pursue other options in the bill they have come so close to approving? I am also sure the insurance companies will use this "good news" as leverage to deny payment for testing even though a woman feels the need to have one if not for anything else but a sense of psychological well being.

Unfortunately, I have known several women under age 40 whose lives were devastated with the words, "your films look suspicious, you need to come in for further testing". I've heard too many stories of women even younger who found a lump, went through chemo, radiation, mastectomy, all the heartbreaking treatments that would terrify any woman no matter what her age. I am older than fifty and began my mammograms at 40. Quite a few friends my age were diagnosed through early detection. Most are still alive, but unfortunately my heart still is broken at the loss of a few I cared for deeply.

This news is also disturbing to me as I have many younger cousins, and know so many other young women who may be effected by this new determination. Do not be fooled, these guidelines are only in place to drastically reduce the cost of medical care at the expense of us all. I would hate to hear of any young lady who believes this is not an important issue, and in addition to that not even do the monthly self breast exam and then find out when it's too late the prospects of a devastating fate that could have been minimized. It is for the above reasons and so many more that each of us need to fight for the type of health care reform needed to assure us living as healthy a life as possible.

Please don't just let this happen and not find a way to become proactive by making your concerns and outrage known. Another terrible aspect of the vicious cycle of playing Russian roulette with our lives is that for most, health insurance is contingent upon being employed. We all are aware of the dire statistics in the job market now, so this is an even more devastating time to change the guidelines. Then there are those whose job does not even offer health insurance and are unable to afford coverage.


What's next?  I don't know. I do know if we don't  become more proactive when issues that effect our lives are and placed in jeopardy, tomorrow will come and it surely will be too late for anything worthwhile to be done. GOD BLESS! (c) IcyPearl

Saturday, October 24, 2009


OK, the last few days I have been feeling pretty bad physically and mentally. Physically first because if this illness didn't find my vessel to take up residency in, then mentally I would not be at war with ME so often. Chronic illness can destroy even the best of us to the core. I'm angry today, in severe pain today BUT, I'll be better later ...... maybe in five minutes, five hours or five days but.......BETTER I PROCLAIM TO BE.

I PROCLAIM WITH THE AUTHORITY MY GOD PLACED WITHIN MY SPIRIT, that this invader that found refuge in my body will NOT prevent me from what MY GOD PROMISED. The victory belongs to us whenever we TAKE OWNERSHIP OF IT! Continuing to sow the seeds of progression and prosperity regardless of the dictates of any unwelcome invader. I may be broken at times - I REFUSE TO BOW! - (c)IcyPearl

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Whether we want to believe all the hype about the ensuing pandemic, there are definitely some proactive decisions we can make to help ourselves. We may not like the idea of taking the vaccine for ourselves and family, but certainly we should make as many informed decisions as humanly possible. We live in a world of so many uncertainties so why not do as much as we can across the spectrum to feel better about the decisions we make. Please take a few minutes to read the attached link. For more information, please read this. Click Here!

Friday, October 16, 2009


Believe anything is possible, and live like you know it! (c) IcyPearl

Monday, October 12, 2009

Challenging Familiarity

Familiarity and comfort need to be challenged at times. Those revelations help in leading us to our greater purpose but only - IF - WE WILL THEM DRIVEN BY OUR DESIRE FOR CHANGE! IcyPearl

Friday, October 9, 2009


Health care reform: Saving American lives

Oct. 7: In a Special Comment Hour, Countdown's Keith Olbermann explains how the American health care system is broken and why it's so important that the government steps in to fix it. Watch the full hour here.

The health care issue is one of the most important we are faced with today in addition to astronomical unemployment. Most people would not have insurance if it was not through their place of employment, and even with that many are under insured.

Because this special moment in time has come, we must become vocal and passionate and make our voices heard before they finish destroying what people have worked for all their lives.

PLEASE - don't take this lightly - we can no longer afford to be complacent, if not for ourselves - OUR CHILDRENS' FUTURE IS AT STAKE!

If you don't have the time watch/listen to the entire program now PLEASE go back to it later. Some things, if nothing proactive is done will just get worse, this is one of them! Share it with others. Call your Congressman and Senators and tell them to make their decision based on protecting the best interest of the people and not the continued protection of insurers financial gain at the expense of everyone else.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Each day presents an opportunity to CHOOSE a different reality than the world and circumstances have brought us, even on those occasions when we are the ones who made the original CHOICE. Oftentimes people complain about what they perceive is a reality, and more times than not the perception can be changed by what we allow to flourish in our head and heart. Okay, today you got up, had an ache, an attitude, car didn't start, let someone take your joy. Get over and through whatever it is and CHOOSE A DIFFERENT REALITY - RIGHT NOW! My Dear Mother always used to say, "NOW IS THE APPOINTED TIME!" It's up to you to take the first step, pray, call a friend, vent, pick up a book, play chess - whatever it is that you can do RIGHT NOW. CHANGE AND CHOICE are JUST A THOUGHT AWAY. GAME ON - It's YOUR MOVE!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Convincing yourself - against the odds - that life will get better is a process not for the faint of heart especially when life presents one major event after the other to go through and overcome. As soon as you got through one problem and thought you got a break, here you go again. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it’s been for many of us. No matter what you thought you did right here comes yet another body blow. What has always gotten me through is being forced by circumstances to develop a resilient core that allows me to HOLD ONTO HOPE and then figure out despite what happens next to KEEP HOPE ALIVE.

It's not just a belief, or mantra it has become my sustenance for BLESSINGS GOD placed within my being. It is my default coping mechanism. We all have it, but it must be nurtured even when life seems to be going just fine. Having HOPE is the barometer l utilize knowing a better outcome is on the horizon. HOPE requires persistence and perseverance to get to your desired positive outcome. It's the grasping of the concept of HOPE that offers solace when the world around us is in chaos. As someone whose life has been lived HOLDING ONTO HOPE and KEEPING HOPE ALIVE, HOPE has never been a trivialized word for me to use. In all cases it has been the starting point to get to the finishing line, and once there having a grateful heart a problem is resolved after a long tough fight.

Sometimes the hardest thing in the world to do is to keep HOLDING ONTO HOPE. The reality is that for some it's all they've ever had, and REAL TALK is that it had to be enough. When it’s truly all one has had to grasp onto, when every door around seems to be closed you just have to HOLD ONTO HOPE and then learn the lesson on how to KEEP HOPE ALIVE. I've had more hope float moments than I can ever speak of and that’s REAL TALK, but I'm still here despite the long term anguish to keep on course.

HOLDING ONTO HOPE and KEEPING HOPE ALIVE are synonymous as far as I'm concerned. I can't have one without the other. HOLDING and KEEPING are interchangeable to me because when I have one and am satisfied, then the other is the prize when life gets challenging.

Sometimes we're wide open, downtrodden and feeling sorry for ourselves and so closed off the possibility for HOPE just can't be envisioned. Without HOPE despair enters the equation, and that is not an option. The easiest thing for any of us to do is to wallow in the negative experiences. If you thought it was bad already, I guarantee you it will get worse if you don't find a way to - HOLD ONTO HOPE AND KEEP HOPE ALIVE.

One has to spend time with oneself and move past ourselves in order to understand that simple truth. Life experiences oftentimes are what thrusts one into that stream of consciousness. I'm here to tell you that GOD'S promise to us and for us is real. HIS time is not our time. In the meantime, TRUTH SPEAKS – REAL TALK,


Friday, September 18, 2009


"Positive Thoughts Breed Positive Results - Share It Wherever You Are - The World Will Be A Better Place - Positively" IcyPearl


My motivating TRUTH SPEAK - REAL TALK for the day is this: "IT" is what "IT" is. If the "IT" is something within your power to change, then do something about "IT." If you don't try to change "IT" - then "IT" OWNS YOU." IcyPearl - GOD BLESS

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Nonsense of Healthcare Gone Wild

Many of us who have a chronic illness or have been faced with a health crisis have had problems with our plan providers. Here we are again after over 50 years of different administrations, our "elected officials" down in Washington still are unable to put aside their partisan practices and alliances and get this done. Lobbyists seem to have a choke hold on progress being made with the power wielded by the mighty dollar - BILLIONS AT THAT.

When will this madness end. The trade off for those who have their own agendas creates disaster at the expense of those of us who can least afford more burdens imposed upon us. YES US, WE THE PEOPLE. The people include the sick also who go to the polls and cast our votes and unfortunately keep certain industries in profit mode. Whatever you spend your money on, don't forget you have the power to evoke change.

President Obama is trying to move forward in good faith to make his promise of change a reality, and I respect that. He can't do it alone.

The vicious cycle of trickle down politics that impede upon my right to make decisions for the direction of my health care or anything else is quite disturbing to me. Lobbyists have taken power away from the will of the people. Yes they vote, but they also get paid BIG money to represent the interest of their employers, the corporate concerns out to make a profit at all costs.

My diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis happens to be a difficult disease to treat and there is yet is no cure. My attempts to use three of the four "approved" ABC&R drugs that are available and claim to slow the progression of the disease just weren't compatible for me and caused other complications. I'd love to know the stats on how many others tried and can't use those toxic injectable cocktails. One persons drug may be anothers poison. Now, even if I wanted to use any of these "legal FDA approved drugs", I am prohibited by the exorbitant co-pay of almost $600.00 per month like so many others. The actual cost average $1,200-$1,600.

Although I like many with MS suffer daily, even with the medicines used for pain, spasticity, and other problems they just don't quite do enough. I fully understand how some people eventually succumb to prescription drug abuse. The wealthy have their options and the rest of us do the best we can. Diagnosed in 1993 with symptoms since my teenage years, there was about a 20 year gap when I finally knew what was wrong. That period was stress in hyper-drive.

Knowing something is wrong and being told for so long "there's nothing wrong" is an answer one should never believe. Don't believe anything when you know otherwise. Don't stop seeking until you find your answer. Still you must go on, work, take care of family and home in the midst of losing your mind. Someone knows exactly what I'm saying. How about that for being a SUPER HERO! You just keep going until you can't do it anymore.

I encourage anyone who is sick and physically able - whatever you're able to do - fight for yourself, fight for your rights. DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER especially not these days when so much is being changed or taken away. Let's hold these elected officials accountable to us. There is strength in numbers. Contact your state and federal officials and make your concerns known. Try getting family, friends or co-workers to get involved. Everyone knows someone who is sick. We can make our concerns known in so many ways - JUST DO SOMETHING!

Many others are making their issues known. Don't be left out or left behind. The differently abled have so much more to lose. I don't like using the term disabled and will share my reasoning another time. It's hard for me too, my legs drag, my hands are numb and the pain is relentless and right now I can't type anymore. Signing off. Hope you'll check back. To be continued.....................and GOD BLESS!!!!!!! (c) IcyPearl