Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Wow, I was surprised to see this "silly luck meter" pop up on my FB wall.  I did not intentionally put it here, and find it quite ridiculous for a person like me who is too centered on REALITY AND ROOTED IN FAITH to subscribe to. My to do list was directed to add yet something else I just didn't plan to do today. I hope to keep this short, but I just don't know with me. Today I turned on my computer, looked at email and then at FB. On my wall, I was surprised to see a horoscope HIGHLIGHTED in yellow - 12%, My Daily Luck. That was a big WOW moment for me since I rarely read a horoscope. I just can't allow someone's vision of MY day to cloud MY thinking and moving ME forward. If it reads well it's going to be a great day. O.K. lovely.I like the thought of it, but when it dictates a negative thought, is that supposed to mean negativity to me. I DON'T THINK SO!

If I believed in luck, my life would have been devastated from all the negativity I've encountered along this journey of life. Compliments of outer elements I had no control over. That leads me back to this luck thing. Unfortunate circumstances happen to some more than the norm. That horoscope crap is not my "TRUTH METER".  Some man or woman who doesn't even know me - is supposed to determine  - MY DAY - I DON'T THINK SO! That fortunately for me is not how I choose to live and believe. I can't wrap my brain around their trash. This was my funny for the day so far, but plan to block so I don't see it tomorrow, and I hope I won't.

When I say I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES - that is an unrefutable, non-negotiable statement I can stand by based on "MY LIFE TESTIMONY". If each day I get up now and choose to think negatively, I would be unable every day to need and want to still be progressive. Looking at my life - living with a horrible disease like multiple sclerosis would overwhelm me - everyday. It is not living a life based on outer circumstances that defines the perspective by which I live my. life.

I LIVE A LIFE OF KNOWING, knowing that although my life is not where I've worked so hard for it to be, I must not lose my focus. (not for long) For change to occur, one must step out their box, for some it's a comfort zone. For me it's always been about striving, moving forward - regardless. I must live from a knowing that even just because this moment is not what I need  it to be - I can definitely change the momentum. No one determines a 12% day by writing a low ball number for me - I'll shoot high and be grateful, knowing "I AM A WINNER" despite what things look like, or how bad I may feel. THAT PERCENTAGE IS AT 1,000 - can they handle that! Enough of this nonsense for me. BE BLESSED!

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