Sunday, June 6, 2010


Last week this time, I had an IV hooked up in my arm. I was delayed almost a week when an inept worker at one of the medical services mishandled  my paper work and held up my treatment/healing. Another inconvenient task to fill in filing an official complaint against this company, but necessary for correction. Two days later, my vein collapsed and I had to get a new line in the other arm. The medicine is necessary for now. I worked through my many sufferings with Multiple Sclerosis for years and now can still have decent access to health care. That's part of how a NEVER GIVE UP/HANG IN THERE AS LONG AS YOU CAN persistence pays dividends.

Life is difficult with so many battles to fight -  a sick body while trying to hold on to your buoy, your lifeline, your sanity. I'm so grateful, I didn't have to go into the hospital to get the same care I can get at home now. That's an entirely different subject area. Everybody's situation is different.

I think about the day, actually LOOKING FORWARD TO IT when I'll have a Cadillac Health Care Plan - BUT I'LL BE HEALTHY - and have it as my buffer. That's the HEALTH CARE PLAN - TO BE HEALTHY! ...and SO IT WILL BE!

Although I did begin part of "MY NEW SEASON" yesterday, points I have chosen to begin with are being worked on tonight/tomorrow to be shared in more detail.

So, on that note, although I've been slowed out the gate in posting my efforts that passed on Friday, I am continuing with my personal "READYING FOR A NEW SEASON WITH INFINITE POSSIBILITIES". It is my hope to engage as many who are interested to at least begin their own cause for change that will lead to a higher level of empowerment. I am looking forward to chatting with all who are seeking changes whether small or on a full blown larger scale. From the smallest of efforts, monumental changes have come into existence. I'M ALWAYS AIMING HIGH, but for now the seeds for this journey will be efforts I can comfortably wrap my psyche around without being overwhelmed. Hoping to chat soon, BE BLESSED!

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